The Power of Positive: Examples of Converting Negatives about our Relationship to Positives

Paul’s Negatives:

  • wanting to be right
  • having the last word
  • different interests
  • not as affectionate as we once were
  • lack of enthusiasm about being together
Paul’s Positive Clarity:

  • having a balanced exchange of ideas
  • peace and harmony between us
  • common interests on things that matter
  • affection comes easily and naturally to us
  • joy and freedom permeate our time together
Steph’s Negatives:

  • distracted listening
  • lack of affirmation
  • impatience
  • less interest in lovemaking
  • lack of affection
Steph’s Positive Clarity:

  • focused and attentive listening
  • positive and encouraging words
  • patient with each other
  • greater interest in making love
  • more physical touching
Paul’s Desire Statement:

I appreciate it when we are open to each other’s perspective and share a balanced exchange of ideas. I’ve decided that peace and harmony between us is a priority. It excites me to have common ground between us on the things that really matter in life. I love the idea of affection coming easily and naturally to both of us. More and more we are becoming a well-oiled machine and experiencing the joy and freedom that permeates the time we spend together.

Steph’s Desire Statement:

I love how it feels when there is more physical touching between us. I’ve decided to make the effort to bring more passion to our love-making. I love the idea of us being truly interested in each other – what we say, what we’re doing, where we are in life. I love how it feels when we focus on each other as soul mates. I love seeing myself as side by side and one with my beloved.

“Between stimulus and
response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor Frankl